Content Marketing KPIs: An Introduction

The first step to ensuring that your marketing efforts are successful is understanding content marketing KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and how they can help you assess your progress towards business goals. In this series, Seven Oaks Consulting's writing team will help newcomers to content marketing KPIs better understand:

  • What content marketing key performance indicators are, and how can they be used
  • Metrics to measure for specific content types
  • Specific metrics for blog posts, social media posts and more
  • How to assess the significance of your metrics against KPIs

What Are Content Marketing KPIs?

Content marketing KPIs are measurable data that indicate the success of your content marketing strategy. If you have an effective campaign, it will populate positive data, which means you can replicate and scale that strategy. 

But what if your content marketing campaign is not working? The negative data will help you understand where it is falling short so that you can fix the problem and improve ROI.

Key Performance Indicators Explained

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a quanitfiable measure that businesses use to gauge the success of your content marketing efforts. KPIs can be specific and narrow, like "increase conversion rates," or broad and wide, like "generate leads."

As you're defining KPIs, keep in mind that some are better than others. While it's important to have goals, they should be realistic and measurable, so they can tell you whether your content strategy is working.

Measure performance at different scales: micro-level (keywords), macro-level (posting cadence), competitive level (benchmarks for competitors), as well as intermediate levels between these three extremes. This allows for a more granular analysis of how different types of content perform under different circumstances based on your audience size and industry type (B2B vs B2C).

How to Create Good KPIs

To come up with solid KPIs, businesses must determine and decide:

  • The goals of your content marketing campaign.
  • What success looks like.
  • Which metrics to measure.
  • A frequency for measurement (i.e., daily, weekly).
  • A period for measurement (i.e., monthly, quarterly).
  • The source of data and how often you will update it (i.e. social media channels).

The Different Types of Metrics

Metrics are a powerful way to measure the performance of your content marketing. There are two distinct metrics:

  • Attribute Metrics measure the power and authority for specific actions. These include click-through rates, bounce rates, conversion rates, and more.
  • Outcome Metrics measure how well your content has performed against its goals. They can be used to determine if it was successful or not, which is useful for determining future actions based on that information.

How to Pick Which KPIs to Measure

As you begin to measure the success of your content marketing efforts, it is crucial to choose KPIs that are appropriate for your business and audience.

These tips will help you decide which KPIs are right for your business:

  • Be sure the KPI is relevant to your content strategy. For example, if you are focusing on converting visitors into leads and/or customers, then conversion rate as a KPI isn't right for you because it doesn't measure this. Instead, consider analyzing page views or click-through rates as KPIs.
  • Focus on what matters most to customers—not just what matters most internally at a company (i.e. revenue). If visitors are not finding value in what they are seeing online, they will not convert even if a company sells its products at a discount price point!

Determine KPIs Before Starting a Marketing Campaign

Before you can set up a content marketing campaign, identify your business goals and how they align with those of your target audience. Then, decide which KPIs will help

you gauge whether you have achieved these objectives. Without these metrics in place and organized by category—for example, social media engagement and lead generation—you will not be able to determine what is working in each area of your marketing strategy.

The first step is determining which metrics are important for measuring success (and failure). Determining this requires some structuring and evaluation of the following:

  • What is the desired result from running a content marketing campaign?
  • How much traffic should we get?
  • How many leads should we aim for?
  • What kind of customers do we want?
  • What content tactics do we need to achieve our marketing goals?
  • Which content marketing statistics should we focus on and why?

These answers should come from research before starting a new campaign, so there is no guesswork later when it is time for analysis.

Why Content Marketing KPIs are Necessary

Content Marketing KPIs are necessary for every business because they clearly show whether campaign goals are successful over time. Businesses can track if they are getting their desired results. This measure also lets you know if your target audience is seeing, engaging, and resonating with what you are putting out there. Finally, content marketing KPIs help brands understand if they are using the right channels to reach people.

Content Marketing KPIs are Integral to Business Growth

Many businesses are still hesitant to invest in content marketing. Without any kind of metric on which to base the success or failure of a campaign, it is tough to justify the investment.

But the truth is that content marketing KPIs can be extremely beneficial for businesses of all sizes and industries. They provide an understanding of what consumers want from you and how they perceive your brand. By showing what is and is not working, content marketing KPIs guide future marketing efforts so you are not operating in the dark.

With various content marketing KPIs available, it is essential to choose the ones that are right for your business objectives. Not sure where to start? Seven Oaks Consulting is here to help. Contact us to talk about your goals and how we can assist you with content marketing needs.

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The Dangers of Article Spinners and AI Content Generation

There are many dangers of article spinners that the average small business owner may not realize.

Article spinners are artificial intelligence or AI platforms that imitate the techniques of human copywriters. Instead of creating fresh content, article spinners copy work from another source. They change words, sentences, paragraphs and even a whole article with synonyms and similar phrases to make it look like another person’s work is technically a new copy. For instance, a sentence like this, "I was extremely exhausted at the end of the day,” could be interpreted by an article spinner as, “I was very depleted by the day’s end.”

An infographic listing the dangers of article spinners - poor quality, poor results, lost branding

Dangers of article spinners - Bots Can't Write

From the above example, it’s clear that the quality of article spinners doesn’t compare to well-written human copy. These AI-based tools produce work that doesn’t read naturally due to poorly constructed sentences and lots of grammatical errors. But that doesn’t stop content creators from using the multiple rewrites from article spinners to try and build as many backlinks as possible and outrank their competition in SERPs.

Reduced Visitor Conversion Rates

Article spinners look like the perfect shortcut for people who'd rather not put in the work and develop unique content for their websites. But these AI software tools create low-quality articles that are often unreadable. With such poor quality, spun content can increase the bounce rate on a website and reduce conversion rates.

Spinners Are Automated Plagiarism

Using article spinners is like duplicating another person’s material, which is unethical.
Free article spinners heavily plagiarize original content. That’s because these tools pull existing work rather than creating content from scratch. Plagiarism is a serious red flag in copywriting. Once your audience discovers you duplicate content, their trust in you and your brand quickly goes down the drain. And so do promising leads for your business. Worse still, it’ll only be a matter of time before Google catches up with you.

Google penalties for duplicate content include burying your search rankings. Given that most internet searches happen on Google, it’ll be hard, if not impossible, for customers and prospects to find your business online. And with your sudden online disappearance, consumers looking to purchase the goods or services you provide won’t hesitate to go to the competition.

Why Article Spinners Can Never Replace Actual Content Writers

Understandably, there’s been concerns that AI will fully replace human writers at some point. AI can do incredible things, such as mimic copywriting skills and churn out content fast. However, it can’t master the art of emotional storytelling. Article spinners are simply unable to create conversational, funny, engaging, and relatable content. These, among other limitations of artificial spinners, make them less effective than real copywriters and gives humans a huge edge.

Given all the dangers of article spinners mentioned in this article series, what's your take on AI content writing and AI writers?

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Why Article Spinners Will Never Replace Writers

AI-generated content is increasing in popularity, as more companies are now using article spinners to create content faster and in a shorter amount of time. This number is bound to grow, as per Statista, and the global AI software market will reach $126 billion by 2025.

Various software programs in the market can help you create content quickly; some can even rewrite or paraphrase text, such as article spinning tools.

Are Article Spinners Useful For Content Marketing?

An article spinner is a software tool that rewrites or paraphrases the input text while keeping the original meaning intact. This results in a distinct article with the same meaning as the existing text.

While article spinners can be helpful to ramp up content production and meet the continuous demands, they don’t come close to the original, research-backed, and comprehensive pieces that are written by a demonstrated expert.

Here are three reasons why article spinners will never replace creative content writers.

Article Spinning Tools aren't creative

Creativity is inherent to us. It comes from our experiences, memories, and emotions and cannot be replicated and automated by software. Content written by humans has the power to inspire, motivation, and entertain, which is difficult for AI.

At best, the automated software programs can take a chunk of text and convert it into a semi-coherent and legible piece of writing. Still, they cannot duplicate the way writers process the language and come up with ideas or words that strike resonance.

Article spinners Cannot Write A Lengthy, Coherent Piece Of Text

Article spinners can do a decent job producing short-form pieces, but they cannot create cohesive, engaging, and meaningful long-form articles that are often used in content marketing strategies.

A good long-form strategy involves neck-deep research, laying the groundwork, composing sub-sections, and ensuring structural flow in the article. AI struggles to connect the dots and often does not have the required knowledge on various topics to build a solid, valuable piece of writing.

a person wearing an orange sweater typing on a laptop

Definition: Article Spinner

An article spinner is software that paraphrases or rewrites the original text often by substituting synonyms for words.

Article Spinning Tools Cannot Add Variety

Sometimes short sentences work better. Sometimes longer sentences establish a better flow and rhythm to keep the readers hooked. The automated rewriting tools cannot vary the sentence length or change the flow to make the article engaging.

Of course, you can program style guides and tone into AI tools, but for that, too, you need a professional writer.

AI Cannot Replace Marketing Writers

While AI has come far and is now integrated into all spheres of our lives, it still has a long way to go in replacing the originality and creativity of experienced writers.

Rather than looking at AI as a replacement, it’s more useful to look at it as a guide or aide that can help marketing writers to research faster, structure sections based on SEO suggestions, and automate repetitive tasks in content marketing as and when required. But the actual job of writing should be left to the experts in the field.

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A Creative Content Writer Is Irreplaceable

Nothing can replace a creative content writer, a marketing writer who hand-crafts unique content.

In a world where we are used to shortcuts, it’s no surprise that article spinners exist. While they can save users time writing fresh content from scratch, they don’t come without drawbacks. Even with innovative technology coming out in efforts to make life easier, creative copywriters are here to stay for the long haul.

a person wearing an orange sweater typing on a laptop

How Do Article Spinners Work?

An article spinner repurposes existing content without paraphrasing. For example, you may have an article for your company blog that you want to publish on other mediums to increase traffic to your website. Using an article spinner to recreate a similar piece is an inexpensive way to achieve this. If not done right, though, it can get you into big trouble.

Search engines punish websites with cross-published identical content. The problem is, most businesses don’t want to spend time rewriting articles. They want a shortcut - and an article spinner is just that.

Article Spinners Ruin SEO Efforts

Though made to be time savers, article spinners come with a host of problems. They produce low-quality content that is difficult to understand. The whole point of search engine marketing is to provide quality content with which visitors can engage. Article spinners do the exact opposite. Low-quality spun articles will not hold a viewer’s attention, resulting in increased bounce rates.

The Verdict: You Need a Creative Content Writer

Marketing writers are here to stay, no matter the AI-driven technology. Creative, relevant content is irreplaceable because:

Every Brand Is Unique

Article spinners don’t take personality into consideration when refreshing articles. In contrast, a skilled copywriter produces content that is natural and conversational, rather than robotic and monotone. This is crucial for search engine optimization. A well-written article encourages an audience to interact. In turn, businesses reap the benefit of more organic traffic and sales. Establish authority and get on Google’s good side by sharing made-from-scratch content.

Quality Content Drives Better Leads

Word of mouth has been one of the most effective ways of marketing. When people like what they see, they’ll spread the word to their network. Similarly, top-notch content marketing encourages high-quality clients and sales. If visitors find your article easy to understand and packed with value, they may share it on their social channels. These shares are powerful because they could reach prospective clients.

According to a study by BrightEdge Research, 65% of online experiences start with a search engine. This is impressive, considering HubSpot reported an average of 2 trillion Google searches each year! It has been proven that going the extra mile to make sure your content is unlike any other pays off.

Invest in the Best Content You Can - Because It Pays Off in ROI

In life, you get what you pay for. If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. Poorly written content is more detrimental to your brand than having no content at all. Instead of spinning content with software, hire a marketing writer to create authentic content. It goes a long way in sparking discussion and building a community!

At Seven Oaks Consulting, we curate top-notch content that will boost your search engine ranking and drive new traffic to your website. Our team of creative content writers offers unique, search engine optimized B2B content. Contact us to learn more about our copywriting services!

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