How to Be a Great Guest Blogger

Guest blogging is a great way to increase your audience reach online. Guest blogging is, as the name implies, sharing your content on someone else's blog as a guest. Some blogs welcome guests, while others don't permit them. This blog does not offer guest blogging opportunities, but I do welcome opportunities to write for other business and marketing blogs. So please contact me using the contact form if you'd like to have me write a guest post for your blog.

Like being a guest in someone's home, there are certain rules of etiquette when guest blogging. Just as you wouldn't peek into your host's medicine cabinet (you wouldn't, right?) or take a tour through their underwear drawer as you detour into the bedroom on your way to the bathroom (tell me you won't do this...please), so too as a guest blogger you won't cross the line into advertising copy.

When you're guest blogging, the emphasis should be on:

  • Sharing knowledge freely from your particular niche or area of expertise;
  • Offering more than recycled content - offering readers something new, unique and engaging;
  • Keeping the focus on the blog's readers, not on your business;
  • Supporting the blog owner's work or business by sharing links to your post freely with YOUR social networks.

It also helps to be prepared for common requests from blog hosts once they have agreed to have you as a guest on their blog. The most common requests are:

  • A good headshot or photograph of yourself
  • A bio of you (keep it short, 3 sentences, max)
  • Links to your website and social media profiles

I have a speaker package on my computer that includes all of this information and more. It also includes sample questions, in case the blog host prefers a Q and A format rather than a straight post.

How do you obtain guest blog posts on other people's blogs? There are directories available, or you can search in your area of specialty or niche for blogs on similar topics and write a short, personal email to the blog host asking first if they accept guest posts. Include a brief mention of why you'd like to be a guest on the blog, including the intended topic. This isn't the time to go into a length spiel; keep it short and to the point. Your initial contact with the blogger should be to the point and focused. You're just trying to ascertain whether or not they accept guest posts, and if so, if they are open to your idea.

The benefits of guest blogging are enormous. Not only will you share your insights with a completely new audience, but you'll also gain valuable inbound links to your website, potential social media followers and additional publishing credits to your name. Your host will get a day off and an interesting, engaging post to enliven his blog and educate and entertain his readers. It's a win-win for you both!


This post was written by Jeanne Grunert, a marketing writer and president of Seven Oaks Consulting. Visit our website, sign up for our newsletter, and get a free copy of The Little Book of Big Marketing Secrets.